
  • Must communicate the intention of the change

  • The essentials are feat and fix


  • It must be something that intuitively specifies the location of the change

  • It should aim to provide additional contextual information


  • Use the imperative, present: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"

  • Don't capitalize the first letter

  • No dot (.) at the end

  • Commits must be atomic!


  • Use the imperative, present: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"

  • Describe and justify in detail the change

  • It should include the motivation and, if possible, a comparison with previous behavior

Significant Change

  • It is possible to inform if the commit makes a significant change or breaks the compatibility, this inserts the identifier "!" after type/scope


  • Commits must be atomic!

Or git commit -m ''